CS774: Human Computer Interaction
Loyola College in Maryland
Spring 2004
Instructor: Dr. Roger D. Eastman
Schedule: M 5:30-7:40 Columbia Campus
Syllabus (html)
Syllabus (pdf)
Designing the User Interface - Ben Shneiderman
Our primary textbook this semester
At Amazon
Design of Everything Things - Don Norman
Our secondary textbook this semester
At Amazon
Weekly Handouts
Weekly Handouts, Assignments and Lectures
Week 1 - January 12th
Handout in PDF
Why HCI in PowerPoint
Why HCI in PDF
Interaction Models in PowerPoint
Interaction Models in PDF
KLM paper by David Kieras
Week 2 - January 26th
Handout in PDF
Memory presentation in PPT
Memory in PDF
NGOMSL paper by David Kieras
Week 3 - February 9th
Handout in PDF
Note - question 3 is due in two weeks
Perception presentation in PPT
Perception in PDF
Principle presentation in PPT
Principles in PDF
Week 4 - February 16th
Handout in PDF
KLM analysis in PDF
Week 5 - February 23th
Handout in PDF
Design process presentation in PPT
Design process in PDF
Link: Cognetics web site
Week 6 - March 9th
Handout in PDF
Exercise - Q&D LUCID process
Exercise - Heuristic Web Evaluation
Exercise - Q&D Testing
Design process presentation in PPT
Design process in PDF
Week 7 - March 15th
Handout in PDF
Analysis process presentation in PPT
Analysis process in PDF
Prototyping process presentation in PPT
Prototyping process in PDF
Usability process presentation in PPT
Usablity process in PDF
HCIL Demo Day
UMCP Human Computer Interaction Lab demonstration day - free for students June 3-4th
Week 8 - March 23th - Exam!
What, I should post it in advance?
Week 9 - March 29th
Handout in PDF
Usability project
Design project
Nielsen usability
online article on low cost usability testing
Usabilty testing a website
Neilsen's advice on web usability testing
National Cancer Institute's advice on usability
HCIL Demo Day
UMCP Human Computer Interaction Lab demonstration day - free for students June 3-4th
Week 10 - April 12th
Handout in PDF
Week 11 - April 26th
Handout in PDF
Prototyping site
Synder's web site
HCI Associations and bibliographies
ACM SIG for Computer-Human Interaction
STC Usability SIG
Society for Techical Communication - not strictly HCI, but good
ISO human factors
ISO standards on ergonomics
HCI Bibliography
Maintained by Gary Perlman
HCI links and info
Update information maintained by Hans de Graff
Consultant's web site
Hall of Shame
The standard UI Hall of Shame
Sites on human factors and psychology
The Joy of Visual Perception
A web-based textbook on visual perception - a good source for basic terminology
FAA Human Factors site
The FAA course on human factors
Michael Bach's illusions
Great set of online animated visual illusions
Donald Hoffman's pages
Donald Hoffman's visual intelligence illustrations
Gallery of Illusions
A good set of optical illusions supported by Dave Landrigan at UML
NASA Ames memory tests
Tutorial experiments
David Kieras
Works on interaction models (KLM, GOMS, EPIC)
Gestalt perception
Bonnie Skaalid's notes on gestalt principles
Graphics Research Labs and Individuals
Ben Shneiderman
Dr. Shneiderman's home page
Donald Norman
Don Norman's professional site
Bruce Tognazzini's columan series
Neilsen/Norman group
Jakob Nielsen, Don Norman and Bruce Tognazzini
Ben Bederson
Current director of HCIL at College Park
Human factors group at Ames
Talin's UI principles
A nice informal set
Krahmer's UID class at Tilberg
Interesting course syllabus and links
User interface guidelines
Linux KDE guidelines
Linux Gnome guidelines
Microsoft guidelines
Palm OS guidelines
Apple Human Interface Guidelines